Friday, October 23, 2015


Sound of the Week
Last week's Sound of the Week was /T/. Our friend Leila brought in items from home such as a top, a train, a twig, a teapot, toilet paper, a tea bag, a toothbrush, a toad, a tiger, a tree, and a train track. After reviewing the items that Leila brought in, we read the book, When Tilly the Turtle Came to Tea. Then, we brainstormed other words that begin with the /T/ sound. These words were; tape, towel, table, today, tiny, toast, touch, turtle, tick tock, television, take, ten, turkey, Tuesday, take, tablecloth, Tilly, tag, and toaster. For our letter T activity, we made turtles. They were a lot of fun.

Sound of the Week with Leila!

This week's Sound of the Week is /D/. Our friend Lucey was delighted to share what she brought in to display on our Sound of the Week board. She brought in a dollar, a piece of driftwood, a dinosaur, Darth Vader, a dime, a dress, a dragon, a diaper, a dog, and a doll. After we had gone over all of the items that Lucey brought in, we read the book, Detective Dog and the Disappearing Doughnuts. We then brainstormed more words that begin with the /D/ sound. Our list included words such as door, disappear, doughnut, dessert, dinner, detective, dance, dark, dirty, dentist, doctor, daddy, dash, etc. For our letter /D/ project, we made ducks and gave them names that begin with the letter D.

Sound of the Week with Lucey!
This week during Vocabulary time, we learned that consonant vowel consonant (CVC) words have an initial (beginning), medial (middle), and ending sound. When we put these letters and sounds together, we can come up with words. We first need to focus on initial sounds, so we did a little bit of letter substitution. We began with the word CAT and used different letters to replace the initial sound /C/. We came up with words such as SAT, FAT, RAT, PAT, BAT, and MAT. At times we will use letters to make nonsense words as well. One example could be DAT.

In math we were introduced to the number line, focusing solely on positive numbers 1-10. By using the number line, we will learn skills such as counting and comparing numbers, simple addition and subtraction.

We were also introduced to the concept of ways to make 5. Through our rainbow number graph, we learned that there are a few different ways to add numbers together to equal five (i.e. 0+5, 1+4, and 2+3).

Apple Tree project

Field trip to Sharp's Waterford Farm

Silent Walk during Meeting for Worship
During Meeting for Worship this week, the entire Lower School went on a Silent Walk around the pond and through the woods around the Community Farm. After the Silent Walk, we gathered in a circle in front of Walbrooke for reflection, and as usual, we ended Meeting for Worship with the song Go Well and Safely.
Lucey and Owen during their Family Share!


Please visit the Life Skills page and the Technology page for updates.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Learning and Growing!

Over the last week and a half, we have been very busy!

We were introduced to the /B/ sound in Language Arts and were very excited when our friend Ibou brought in his items for the Sound of the Week board. Ibou brought in a book, a bumble bee, a bowl, a basketball, and a brush. As we were brainstorming for our word list, we came up with these words; bunny, bear, bell, broccoli, butterfly, back, brother, blue, bubble, bugs, because, balloon, bicycle, bath, butter, bench, bake, brownies, bacon, belt, etc. Even Rose's dad, Ben, made the list! We continue to think of words that begin with this sound as well as the /P/ sound.

We did a few activities surrounding our new letter sound. They included; Button names, B is for bear, having a /B/ scavenger hunt in the classroom, reading the book, Bubble Bear, and other fun activities.

After learning all about the /B/ sound, we reviewed the /P/ sound and had a sound sort with both letter sounds. We also had fun outside using sidewalk chalk to practice our handwriting skills, and practiced writing the letters in shaving cream as well. We thoroughly enjoyed that activity!

/P/ and /B/ Sound Sort

Writing with Sidewalk Chalk /P/ and /B/

Shaving cream handwriting

In math we were introduced to an activity called the Counting Jar. We will have Counting Jar every week, with a different number of objects each week. This activity gives us practice with one to one correspondence, tagging, counting with accuracy, and matching number symbols with the correct number of objects.

It was pretty rainy last week and a few of us had some questions about where rain came from. We talked a little about weather, and let Ms. Fizzle and the gang (yes, from The Magic School Bus!) take us on a journey. We learned about all types of weather and how it's "made". We will do an in-depth study on weather later in the school year.

The signs of Fall have begun to show and we could not help but notice! The leaves are changing colors and are falling all around, and the air is cooler. What better time to go on a leaf hunt and create our own leaf rubbings? That is exactly what we did! We went on a search for the perfect leaves and came back to the classroom to see if we could use them for an art project. We used crayons that were the colors of Fall (red, orange, yellow, brown) and created some pretty cool pieces.

Leaf hunt

Fall leaf rubbings

Community Day at SSFS was a lot of fun. We began the day with  a walk through the woods to the Meeting House to have Meeting for Worship. Our Senior Buddies met us  in our classroom to walked us over. After Meeting for Worship, we got a bus ride back to campus, ate our snack, and got busy in our PK-K garden!

Community Day
Other photos from Community Day can be viewed here: 

We had our first Family Share, celebrating the DeBacker family! Thank you all for coming in to share with us! We are looking forward to celebrating with each family!

Celebrating Ibou's birthday

Spirit Week pep rally