Friday, January 15, 2016

Second semester is off to a great start...

It's hard to believe that we are already two weeks into the new year! Wow! Our Pre-K class has been having a blast with the Language Arts/Sound of the Week activities, learning new mathematical concepts, exploring with science, learning about feelings in Life Skills, and being introduced to our theme of the month, Outer Space.

Right before Winter Break, Bryce shared the /F/ sound with us. He brought in flash cards, a fork, fruit juice, a flashlight, food, a fruit and nut bar, a football and a football helmet. We read the AlphaTales book, Fifi Ferret's Flute, and brainstormed more words like flower, fox, fish, fire, fiddle, fog, feelings, friend, float, freeze, Fred, fair, father, flamingo, fig, follow, fries, foot, firefly, etc. Our /F/ craft activity was a fox.

This week for Sound of the Week, Leila shared the letter /S/ with us. She brought in items from home such as a spoon, a sock, a saw, a safety pin, a stegosaurus, sunglasses, a screw, snack, and a snowman. We read the AlphaTales book, Seal's Silly Sandwich, learned the Letter S song, and brainstormed tons of words including, silly, spider, soft, Saturday, stop, some, Spanish, Sally, sailboat, sunflower, seed, snow, sleep, Sunday, soldier, sandwich, salad, sink, space ship, sloth, swing, seat, several, sea, Sponge Bob, summer, sweep, soap, suds, super, sick, six, seven, slide, sticker, spaghetti, soda, etc.

Last week's Sound of the Week was V and our Friend, Ibou, brought in some items to share. He brought a vase, vitamins, a vest, vanilla, vaccine, and vinegar. We learned the Letter V song and read the AlphaTales book, Vera Viper's Valentine. Afterward, we brainstormed words such as Victoria, valley, Vera, vacuum, volcano, voice, village, volleyball, vegetable, video, visit, violin, vote, very, and Victor. After learning all about the /V/ sound, we did a sound sort with /F/ and /V/. These two letter sounds are similar, but we can tell the difference between them because one sound is voiced while the other is unvoiced.


We discussed what a New Year's resolution was and came up with some of our own. They were:
- "To spell everything"
- "I want to read"
- "To learn how to play basketball"
- "To go to the Zoo"
- "To play soccer"
- "To learn how to kick the ball when another person kicks the ball to me"
I think we have what it takes!

Our Solar System puzzle!

Letter V craft activity - Vase with flowers

Life Skills - Different Feelings activity. Please visit the Life Skills page for description.

Planets orbiting around the sun!

Lucey and Owen's Family Share!

Learning about quantities (with our favorite little bears)!

A quick pic before the Winter Program!
Bryce's Family Share!

We were able to watch a Space mission live today (1/15/16)! NASA was live streaming a pair of astronauts that went out of the ISS to replace a failed voltage regulator!! We saw the astronauts repairing the regulator and heard them speaking via satellite! It was awesome!

PK rocket ships!!